Explorer - How to customise tab section labels

Explorer - How to customise tab section labels

In this article, we are going to show you how to configure labels for the different tab sections on Explorer

In the image below, the image on the left-hand side, is how Explorer looks like with default labels.
The image on the right-hand side, is what Explorer may look like if these default labels were customised according to the user’s own creative flair.

As a default setting, Explorer will start with having the default labels on each tab section

Adjusting the labels

Remember that the settings you configure here applies to both Interactive Kiosk and Explorer. This means that you cannot have both of them appear differently. Either Kiosk and Explorer use default labels as the names or they both use the same customised labels as the names. The same icon colours also apply to both.


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs


3. Select Interactive Kiosk

4. Choose the Menu tab, on the right-hand side pop out

Underneath the ICONS heading, you will see the following settings:


5. Choose your label name for Explore Icon. The default name is Explore

You are unable to change the Explore Icon colour


6. Adjust Search Icon colour here

7. Choose your label name for Search Icon. The default name is Search


8. Adjust Experiences Icon colour here

9. Choose your label name for Experiences Icon. The default name is Experiences


10. Adjust Directory Icon colour here

11. Choose your label name for Directory Icon. The default name is Directory

12. Enable the toggle to activate Directory Icon


13. Adjust Promotions Icon colour here

14. Choose your label name for Promotions Icon. The default name is Promotions

15. Enable the toggle to activate Promotions Icon

16. Save changes

Viewing your Explorer map to check latest updates

Gain access to Explorer through:

1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

2. Select DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab

3. Search for an Interactive Kiosk sign or locate it on the map. Click on the sign once found.

4. On the right-hand side pop out, stay on the General tab and scroll down.
Scan the QR code with your smartphone device to activate Explorer

Alternatively, you can also go to the dashboard and scan the QR code there to get access to Explorer.
Just remember that scanning the QR code from here will not give you a starting location because it is not linked to any Kiosk.

Once Explorer has loaded on your smartphone, you will see the labels at the bottom. The types of labels you will see is dependant on whether you have adjusted or kept the default labels.

In our example below, we are still using the default labels. When you change your labels to a different name (i.e. changing promotions to deals) those changes become instant once it is saved.