

Within this section, users will be introduced to PAM's wayfinding operational system known as PAM OS. Enhancing your current customer experience begins here as you will successfully transform your environment through creating a clear navigational system that is comfortably understood and followed by anyone who visits your location.

Utilising PAM OS will help create a virtual twin of your environment through planning, implementing and maintaining both physical signage and digital content. PAM offers a variety of features but the following features are essential in mastering to achieve success. These features are Digital Sign Manager, Map Editor, Scenes, Experiences and Dictionary.

With these five unique components, you will be able to do the following:

  • Plan (locate) and monitor physical sign assets

  • Manage digital mapping

  • Control content and add terminology

  • Plan and control how digital signage and mapping content dynamically changes

  • Include a variety of different scenes for automatic switching during the course of an experience

  • Promote ongoing and upcoming experiences and presenting them on interactive kiosks ahead of time

A pleasant experience will ensure your customers come back to your venue repeatedly and this is what we aim to achieve.

Access within PAM is governed through the allocation of user types, each of which has its own level of permissions in the system. Depending on your level of access you may not touch and work in all of these areas, however, it is important to understand the overall concepts as they affect how the system is used and therefore how visitor experience can be a positive one.

Inside this section, users will also find access to a dedicated definitions page which will help increase understanding of frequently used PAM keywords.

Please refer to the sections below for further reference: