How to activate Banner Slideshow in Directional Signs

How to activate Banner Slideshow in Directional Signs

In this article, you will learn how to activate an Experience inside a banner slideshow for it to be displayed on a directional sign. The banner slideshow acts as a slideshow carousel that flips through experiences that have been linked to a specific directional sign. This helps promote experiences that may be happening at a location.

The information below consists of more details regarding Experience banners. The sections have been divided for your convenience, if needed.

To determine what kind of Directional sign type you wish to use and for a detailed explanation on them, please click on this article here.

Adding an Experience to a Directional sign


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Manager > Experiences

2. Click [ADD EXPERIENCE] OR Select the edit icon of an existing experience

Note: Regardless of what you choose, it will not affect the following steps

3. Scroll to the OPTIONS section

4. Activate “Show this experience in banner slides”. This will let the experience be seen on the directional signs. If you choose to activate this toggle, you also need to select the directional signs you want this experience to be seen in, in Step 12

Activating an experience to be seen in banner slides means that when you activate banner slideshow inside a directional sign, the experience appears. The experience is shown according to the start and end date of the location. When an experience finishes, it automatically disappears from the sign.

5. The default setting, is this experience will be shown 365 days before it is happening

6. You can select the dropdown to choose either “days before” or “hours before”
(i.e. 365 days before or 365 hours before)

7. Scroll down to EXPERIENCES SLIDE SHOW section

8. Activate Show information panel

9. Activate Show colour scheme in information panel, this lets custom colours be seen live. If this is left deactivated, the default colours is a black background with white text

10. Select background colour

11. Select text colour

12. Select the dropdown underneath Show this experience on these full screen and digital directional signs

13. Select the signs you want this experience to be seen on, e.g. in the photo, one of the signs we have selected is V 3.2 09-106 Side A (this is the sign we will stick with in this article). If you leave this blank, your experience will not appear

14. Upload Landscape image (size of the image must be 1920 x 1080 px and as a PNG, JPG or SVG file)

15. Upload Portrait image (size of the image must be 1080 x 1920 px and as a PNG, JPG or SVG file)

16. Upload Square portrait image (size of the image must be 1080 x 1080 px and as a PNG, JPG or SVG file)

17. Save changes (if you selected [ADD EXPERIENCE] in Step 2, this button will be seen as [CREATE] but still saves changes regardless)

18. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

19. Click the DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab

20. Search for the sign you selected for the experience to be seen or you can click it on the map (In this example, we will select V 3.2 09-106 Side A as this was one of the signs we ticked in Step 9)

21. On the right-hand side, scroll to the bottom until you see the Banner Slideshow section

22. Click the drop-down to choose a banner size for the experience (i.e. Medium - 1/2 screen)

23. We can see that our experience has been linked to this sign but it remains disabled until we activate the toggle

24. As an example, this is how an experience may look like on a sign if you select Medium - 1/2 Screen

25. You can press the toggle to deactivate the experience from the sign

26. Save changes

Adding more Experiences to the Banner Slideshow

Now that you have learnt how to add an experience to a directional sign and activated the banner slideshow, we will show you how to have multiple experiences appear in a continuous cycle in the same directional sign.


1. In our photo example below, we have created another experience called Wandavision and have linked it to the same V 3.2 09-106 Side A sign from the previous section.

2. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

3. Select the DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab

4. We will search for V 3.2 09-106 Side A. You can also click on the sign in the map

5. On the right-hand side, scroll to the bottom until you see the Banner Slideshow section

6. As you can see under the ACTIVE SLIDES section, the Wandavision experience can be seen along with the Australian Open experience

7. As we had already selected a medium size banner for the Australian Open experience, this will automatically apply to the Wandavision experience

8. You can choose to disable the toggle for each experience to stop them from appearing if not needed

9. This is how Wandavision looks like with the size being Medium - 1/2 Screen

10. Save changes when adjustments have been made

This is called a Banner Slideshow because the experiences are shown just like a slideshow presentation.

In this example below, this is a V3.2 medium-size Banner Slideshow screen

In this example below, this is a V3.2 large-size Banner Slideshow screen

Adding an Experience with customised QR Code colours on a Directional Sign

We will show you how to add a QR code to support an Experience that is currently being played as part of the Banner Slideshow. The benefit for including a QR code will allow anyone to scan it to find out more information instantly about that specific Experience being displayed on a Directional sign.

1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs


3. Select Directional Sign

4. We will focus on the heading Banner Slideshow and the contents below it

5. Seconds per slide: This lets you set the number of seconds we want to show an Experience before moving on to the next Experience. If you have only one Experience on display then this setting will not be applied by default

6. QR Code Colour: This lets you set the colour of the QR code. The dropdown gives you 3 choices:

Inherit colour - This makes the QR code become the same colour as the text of the Experience

Black: white border - This is a regular QR code with a white border around it

White: black border - This is a regular QR code with a black border around it

7. Save changes

QR code colour options

Now that we have adjusted our Banner Slideshow settings, we will find a sign with an Experience linked to it and activate the Banner Slideshow to show you how the QR code will look like.

8. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

9. Select DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab

10. Choose a digital sign and make sure that the layout says ‘Directional sign'

11. The right-hand side will pop-up and the layout says ‘Directional sign’ which means we are on the correct sign type

12. We will go to the bottom underneath the Banner Slideshow heading and choose a size to activate the Experiences inside the Banner Slideshow

13. We will choose Large - Full Screen

14. The sign preview has now changed and shows us a preview of our Experience (i.e. Doctor Strange)

15. Notice that the QR code appears automatically

16. The QR code prompt message can be changed when you edit the Experience directly inside the Experiences page

17. We have two Experiences active for this Directional sign. This means that after 3 seconds, the Experience will change and Dallas Cowboys vs LA Rams will appear. (This is because in Step 5, we configured Seconds per slide to 3 seconds). This will keep alternating between Doctor Strange and Dallas Cowboys vs LA Rams

18. Save changes

Banner Slideshow Configuration Settings

This section will show you how long an experience is displayed before it moves to the next experience as well as making sure your digital signs have the correct display size to avoid any overlaps and cropping issues.


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs


3. Select the Directional Sign option

4. The settings will pop up on the right-hand side

Banner slideshow

5. Adjust Seconds per slide to your preference. (i.e. 3 seconds will be spent on each experience before it moves to the next one)

6. Configure QR code colour to your preference. You will have 3 options to choose from in the dropdown:

Inherit colour - This makes the QR code become the same colour as the text of the Experience

Black: white border - This is a regular QR code with a white border around it

White: black border - This is a regular QR code with a black border around it

Sign Display Size

7. Please make sure that the display size is the same width and height number as the photo below. These are the default settings which allow the experiences to be seen properly in the directional signs.

8. Save changes if needed.

Which Sign Display and Sizes can support showing QR Code in Banner Slideshow?

The QR code in Banner Slideshow can only be supported by certain screen sizes. We have provided a general guide on which sizes you need to configure to in order to show the QR code on your signs below.







P 3.1

Pedestrian Directional Sign

Small - 1/4 screen

Medium - 1/2 screen

Large - full screen

P 3.2

Pedestrian Directional Sign

Small - 1/4 screen

Medium - 1/2 screen

Large - full screen

V 3.1

Vehicular Directional Sign

Small - 1/4 screen

Medium - 1/2 screen

Large - full screen

V 3.2

Vehicular Directional Sign

Small - 1/4 screen

Medium - 1/2 screen

Large - full screen

QR Code on different sign types examples

Banner Sign Display Size Examples

We will show you examples on how an experience can look like on different sign types.

This is an example of how a directional sign looks like as a certain type (i.e. P3.1)

Notice that P3.1 is pole mounted and P3.2 is floor standing but they are the same in terms of screen size dimensions.

Comparison of P3 and V3 signage

Banner Size Small 1/4 Screen

Banner Size Medium 1/2 Screen

Banner Size Large Full Screen

Banner Directional Sign Cropping Limits

When uploading a photo, you may notice that parts of the banner are automatically cropped more than it should. This is because some photos are wider / longer in width and height than others and requires some cropping to avoid overloading the page. You will need to remember to preview your directional sign with the banner images in-place before deciding whether to keep or change it. This all depends on the dimensions of the image

View in Portrait mode
Any part of the image that touches the green border means that it will be cropped out when it’s viewed.

View in Landscape mode
Any part of the image that touches the green border means that it will be cropped out when it’s viewed.




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