Changing Tenant Location on Map Editor by activating different scenes

Changing Tenant Location on Map Editor by activating different scenes

In this article, we will show you how to change the location of your tenants without deleting your current existing tenants on them.

We can use the scenario below as a quick example on where you may apply this:


A parking lot is used to store vehicles for an allotted period of time. However, on weekends, there is a food truck happening inside the parking lot. We want to show this food truck event happening at this parking lot but only on weekends.

You can continue to display the parking lot throughout the whole week.

In the normal scene, you will just have the parking lot. When you switch to activate another scene (i.e. Weekend scene), the food truck event will be seen at that location on weekends. You don’t need to delete and modify anything but just set it up once and it will becomes an instant process once another scene is activated.

You need to have existing / more than 1 tenant to be able to access this feature.
If you have no tenants, please create them first before going through this article.

Refer to this article on how to create tenants here.

You will also need to have more than 1 existing scene.

Refer to this article on how to create and activate scenes here.

Adding different tenants to the same location

In this scenario, you may have two tenants that are using the same location. They may have the same opening hours but might alternate their time in sharing the location. One tenant may use it for 1 week and the other will use it the following week. This is a popular method especially for stalls based layouts.


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Map Editor

2. You can use the filter feature to show only UNIT feature types to make it easier to locate them on the map (this is the feature type that supports tenants)

3. Click on a UNIT feature type place once located

4. On the right-hand side pop out settings, you can add in a tenant

5. Save changes

6. Click on the top-right and select the dropdown to choose another scene where you will put another tenant in (i.e. We chose 02 - Test scene)

The scene you select needs to be unlocked first in order to make changes

7. Click on the exact same UNIT feature type place you chose the first time

8. Add in a different tenant

9. Save changes

Now you have 2 different tenants shown at the same location. All you need to do now is switch and activate the correct scene to see the changes on Interactive Kiosk or Explorer map.

Activating D

efault scene = you will see Curbside Burgers
Activating 02 - Test scene = you will see Smize Ice Cream

Adding the same tenant to multiple locations

In this scenario, you may have a tenant that is using more than one location. This is common for fast food tenants (i.e. McDonalds) to have more than one presence at a venue by having multiple locations to cover more ground.

Depending on your settings, you can add more than one McDonalds restaurants to the same scene if no one else is using it or you can put all McDonalds Restaurants on a different scene and activate it only when required.


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Map Editor

2. Make sure you have the building prepared and the right dictionary item linked into it. This will help speed up the process

You have two options here and we will split this up into separate options.

OPTION 1: Adding all the same tenants in the Navmap

Use this option if you plan to have these tenants appear on a permanent basis.

3. Click on a UNIT feature type (this is the only feature type that will let you add tenants)

4. On the right-hand side pop out, you can add in a tenant (i.e. McDonalds)

5. Repeat this process by choosing another UNIT location on the map to link your tenant into

6. Save changes when done

OPTION 2: Adding all the same tenants into another scene

Use this option if you plan to have these tenants appear every now and again at the same locations. (i.e. they may be operational only 3 times a week so you can switch to another scene when needed)

1. If you want to put all your tenants into another scene, you can click on the dropdown

2. Choose a scene. We have chosen 13 - Test scene

3. Click on a UNIT feature type (this is the only feature type that will let you add tenants)
In our example, Wolfgang’s burgers is the original tenant that occupies the space but is shared with McDonalds which is the tenant we will put for 13 - Test scene

4. On the right-hand side pop out, you can add in a tenant

5. Repeat this process by choosing another UNIT location on the map to link your tenant into. In our example, McDonalds will now be the new tenant that replaces Wolfgang’s burgers, whenever 13 - Test scene is activated

6. Save changes when done

Activating the different scenes to see results on Interactive Kiosk

We will show you how switching a scene can instantly show you results of your changes on the Kiosk and Explorer map.


Firstly, we have to get access to an Interactive Kiosk or Explorer Map.

1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

2. Select DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab

3. Use the filters / search / click on the map for an Interactive Kiosk Digital Sign

4. On the right-hand side pop out, click on the link below SignID. This will open up a new tab on your desktop

5. Scroll down on the same sign you are on and you will see the Explorer QR code. You can scan this with your smartphone. In this article, we will stick with Interactive Kiosk. You can also find the Explorer QR code in the dashboard (main menu)

Going back to our Interactive Kiosk and open it up in the new tab

6. Click on the Directory tab

7. We will click on Curbside Burgers

8. You will be taken into the Curbside burgers information card.
Take note of the location address: L1 Building 200, Century Plaza, Retail District
This will be the same address for another tenant when we switch scenes

We will now switch the scene to show how another tenant uses the same address in the exact same spot.

9. Now we will go back to PAM OS. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Manager > Scenes

10. We will now switch scenes so click on the scene you want to activate (i.e. 02 Test scene)

You will only be able to activate the scene if it has been locked.
You can see if it has the locked icon on the right-side.

11. Select the activate button to confirm you want to switch scenes.

12. You can now see that the new active scene is “Test scene” signified by the green colour.

Go back to the same Interactive Kiosk link and refresh the page.

13. Click on Directory

14. Notice that Curbside Burgers no longer appears. The tenant that replaced it is “Smize Ice Cream”
There are two but we will click on the first one as that has the address we want.

15. You will be taken into the Smize Ice Cream information card.
Take note of the location address: L1 Building 200, Century Plaza, Retail District.
It is the exact same address and location as Curbside Burgers.
This shows the efficient way to switch out tenants and replace them with the right one at any given time.

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