Creating destination dictionary items

Creating destination dictionary items

In this article, you will be shown how to create Destination Dictionary items.

Destination Dictionary items are applied to the locations in your map, e.g. building names, shop names, etc.
They can be more than just destination (locations) names they also include additional properties for the eXplorer map, such as assigning an icon/logo, linking a 3D model, and override dark/light mode colour of your destinations (locations).

You are required to have created dictionary categories before you start this article.
Creating Dictionary Categories in PAM

Adding in a destination dictionary one by one


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to Dictionary > Destination Dictionary

If you have any existing dictionary items, you will see them appear as a list.
We will quickly go through how to understand each area in the image below.

2. Type: This section displays the category of that dictionary item

3. Copy: The name of the dictionary item created

4. Linked assets: This shows how many assets (i.e. if being used in a digital sign) this dictionary item is currently linked to. You can click on it to see the specific signs and specific scenes it is linked in

5. Edit button used to edit the dictionary item

6. Select this box button to choose a dictionary item and to delete it on the bottom right red bin icon

7. On the left-side of this page, you can see all existing dictionary categories

8. [+ NEW DICTIONARY ITEM] button to create a new dictionary item

We will get started and create our own dictionary item.


9. Display Name: This is the name of the destination dictionary (i.e. YouTube Theater)

10. Approve Display Name by activating the tick symbol. This makes the dictionary item searchable and available to be assigned to a location

11. Map Name: This is the alternate copy that will override ‘Display Name' on the eXplorer Map. Leaving this blank will automatically make the name be the same as in Step 9

12. Approve Map Name by activating the tick symbol if this is the alternate name you want displayed on the eXplorer Map. The name can be kept the same as well

13. Description: This can be a few sentences on what your dictionary item is about if you want to include more information

14. Dropdown to access the languages section

15. Simplified Chinese: You have the option of putting in the Chinese name for this dictionary item

16. Korean: You have the option of putting in the Korean name for this dictionary item

17. Arabic: You have the option of putting in the Arabic name for this dictionary item

18. You will need to approve the ticks to make them green which makes them activated

19. Category: Choose a category for this dictionary item

20. Sub-category: Choose a sub-category for this dictionary item

21. Activating Unique Destination means that this dictionary item can only be used once when linking it to a building in Map Editor / having it appear in one location only. You can choose to turn this off or on

22. Search tags: You can put a bunch of tags that best describes the dictionary item (i.e. #content #streaming for YouTube Theater). These are alternate words or phrases to help describe the Dictionary Item and is used when searching in the eXplorer Map making it easier to find locations

23. Phone: You can put in the phone number if needed

24. Website: You can put in the website for this dictionary item if needed

25. [UPLOAD] your dictionary item image. This is highly suggested because customers can see how your location may look like if they are using this specific dictionary item. The image must be in 1920px x 1280px

26. [UPLOAD] logo / icon. This will give you the option of showing the logo / icon instead of the dictionary item name on the eXplorer map

27. Text colour: The default is black. You can change it if preferred

28. Background colour: The default is white. You can change it if preferred

29. Notes / Comments: You can add notes to the dictionary item if you have important things to let people be aware of

30. This section lets you see all the changes that have been happening with your dictionary item. This lets you keep a record of how often and when it has experienced changes and where exactly it has happened

  • Change log: history of this dictionary item

  • Linked location: shows which locations on Map Editor this dictionary item has been linked to

  • Linked assets: shows which digital signs this dictionary item has been linked to

  • Linked experiences: shows which experiences are using this dictionary item

31. Click on the MAP tab for more configuration options

You are welcome to save here but if you need to go into the Map Tab section, we suggest to do that first because once you save, the page will refresh and you will need to find the dictionary item again.



32. Prominence override: this controls the size of the text label of your location in the eXplorer Map. For example, having a prominence of 10 means that your text label will look very big on the map

33. Available to Explorer maps toggle: enable this if you want this dictionary item to be found inside eXplorer map

34. Hide from Explorer search toggle: enable this if you don’t want this dictionary item to appear in eXplorer map when using the search feature. For example, if I search for a location on eXplorer map, it will not find this dictionary item because I have activated the hide feature but the building still exists. This is useful if maintenance or emergency issues happen

35. Override dark mode colour allows you to colour your location to suit dark mode eXplorer Map

36. Override light mode colour allows you to colour your location to suit light mode eXplorer Map

37. Select the dropdown to link this dictionary item with a 3D model if you want this dictionary item to have one. You can leave this blank if not needed

38. Save changes

Changing category of an existing destination dictionary item

You can change categories instantly without editing the dictionary item.

For destination dictionary do the following:

1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to Dictionary > Destination Dictionary

2. Activate the box by ticking it. We have ticked “Entry 10 Box Office”

3. In the bottom area, click on the icon next to Change Category. This will give you options to change into a new category

4. You will see the other existing messaging dictionary categories. We will choose 1 Primary External as our new category for this dictionary item

5. Notice that once we selected a new category, it instantly changed. Entry 10 Box Office now has a 1 next to it, confirming the category change was successful

Video reference


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