Full screen experiences

Full screen experiences

Full Screen Experiences is a layout used to display experiences on a digital sign. These full screen experiences can either be displayed in portrait or landscape mode. Each experience can individually be assigned to any screen with the Full Screen Experience Layout.

The information below consists of more details on Full Screen Experiences, the sections have been divided for your convenience, if needed.

Full Screen Experience Global Configuration

Globally the Full Screen Experience layout has the following configuration settings.

To adjust these configurations please use the following steps.

1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

2. Select the ‘SIGN CONFIGURATION’ tab

3. Select ‘Full Screen Experiences’ from the list and the right-hand side will pop up with settings

4. Configure the Slideshow Speed by adding the number of seconds per slide

5. Tick the box to show or hide the PAM logo

6. Save changes

Full Screen Experience Configurations Settings

When a Digital sign is selected, the right-hand side will have a layout option that includes Full Screen Experience, with the relevant data appearing.

1. Once a Digital Sign has been selected the Digital Sign Location Name is going to be displayed together with the location address and sign ID

2. Select Full Screen Experience on the ‘Layout’ dropdown 

3. Select the Screen Orientation - portrait or landscape

4. Assigned Experiences, will show a list of experiences that are linked to the sign which has been selected. Experience details will include a thumbnail, date, time, event name and event location

5. A Deactivated Experience, is an experience that is assigned to a sign but the location is disabled in the map in the selected scene, will be faded out

6. Click on an experience to show the Full Screen Preview 

7. Check the Status Icons, the status of a full screen experience layout sign will be shown through the colour of the icons

a. If there are NO experiences active on a sign the icon markers will be RED



1. If there are no experiences assigned to a screen/sign we will warn users that the experience is empty

Warning: This screen/sign has no experiences assigned to it, therefore it will appear empty.
You need to assign experiences to the screen in the Experiences Manager.

2. Preview screen, name/identifier and the location address

3. Status icon is red if no experiences are active on the screen

How to assign Experiences

Users will go to the Experiences page to create an Experience or edit an existing Experience and determine what signs they want the Experience to be displayed on as a Full Screen Experience.

The Experiences model will include an additional section called Experience Slide Show, where they set:

  • The ability to show/hide the information overlay panel

  • The ability to use the background and text colours to style the information overlay panel

  • Ability to determine what signs this experience can be displayed on.

This list shows all signs that have the layout, Full Screen Experiences. When the sign is selected. The experience will be automatically assigned to that screen.

Once a user has gone through this process, this is what will be displayed depending on the settings they have selected.