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In this article, users will learn how to create their own tenants as well as update them.

To learn more about tenant directory, please click our introduction article here

The information below includes details on how to set up tenants directory, the sections have been divided for your convenience, if needed.

How to add a tenant?


1. On the PAM navigation menu, go to Dictionary > Tenant Directory

2. Here you will see a list of tenants, tenant categories and actions

3. To add a tenant, users can click on either [NEW TENANT] or [QUICK ADD] button

[NEW TENANT] adds one tenant at a time, with all the details available to fill out.

[QUICK ADD] allows you to add a certain number of tenants to a certain category.

WHEN [NEW TENANT] is clicked on

We have already filled in our tenant details and saved our changes. When creating a new tenant, what you will see below is the different sections you can fill in.

To update an existing tenant, click on the pencil icon of the tenant you want to edit on.


Under the GENERAL heading

1. Fill in Display Name - the name of the tenant. This is a mandatory step, please tick the red X button to make it a green tick when finished to approve the name change.

2. Fill in Map Name - this is what will show up on the kiosk, can be left blank or can put in the same name or a different name. This is another mandatory step, please tick the red X button to make it a green tick when finished to approve the name change.

The reason why you see a lock icon is because we have already saved our changes. A green lock icon means it has been approved and ready to go.

3. Linked Locations show if its linked to a building / location within Map Editor

4. Fill in Short Description to give information on what the tenant is about

5. Toggle ‘Enable in Directories’ if you want the tenant to be seen in the kiosk directory

Under the CATEGORIES heading

6. Select a Category that the tenant belongs to (i.e. Cinema would be under Entertainment)

7. Select a Sub-category

Under the SEARCH TAGS heading

8. Add in Search Tags here. This helps to make the tenant more searchable

Under the IMAGE heading

9. [UPLOAD] an Image to serve as the cover photo - dimensions of the image needs to be in 1920 x 1280 px

Under the LOGOS heading

10. [UPLOAD] an Icon/Logo along with an icon for light and dark map mode

11. Select [CHOOSE] if there are prepopulated icons in your account

12. Select [CLEAR] to start over again if needed

13. Once you have uploaded an icon / logo, Display logo for name toggle can be used.
You can enable this to replace the tenant name with the logo or leave this toggle disabled if not required

Please note that the Map Icon requires an SVG file and Dark and Light map icon requires PNG files.
For more information, please refer to: Uploading icons and logos

14. Option to insert notes/comments - Only seen by those who have access to the same account

All notes/comments added are shown in the change log

15. Change Log to see notes/comments and other changes to this tenant

16. Linked Locations - Shows which and how many locations this tenant is linked to

17. Linked Assets - Shows which and how many signs this tenant is linked to

18. Linked Experiences - Shows which and how many experiences this tenant is linked to

Under the CONTACT DETAILS heading

19. Fill in tenant Phone number.

20. Fill in tenant Website.

Under the HOURS heading

21. Use the toggle to enable / disable opening days - Default days enabled are Mon - Fri

22. Click on the clock icon to change the opening hours - Default hours are 9am - 5pm

Under the COLOUR SCHEME heading

23. Change text colour

24. Change background colour

25. Next, you need to scroll up to the top and click on the MAP tab

HINT: Before users save changes on step 24, they can scroll back up and go straight to the MAP tab instead of having to click into the same tenant. Please remember to save any changes regardless.

26. Option to override light map colour which enables you to colour the location while in light mode within Navigation Map

27. Option to override dark map colour which enables you to colour the location while in dark mode within Navigation Map

28. Save changes

You will need to save the changes to activate and keep everything you may have done up to this point.

29. Next, you need to scroll up to the top and click on the PROMOTIONS tab

30. This area is where you configure and view all the created the promotions of your tenant.

31. You can sort any created promotions with the filter options. If you have no promotions then this section will remain empty as shown in the photo

32. Select [NEW PROMOTION] to get started on creating a promotion

For more details on creating a promotion, click here

33. Next, select the PREVIEW button to see how your tenant looks like. The preview button can be selected at any given time when creating a tenant

34. This is a preview of the directory tenant card

HINT: Keep preview mode on while changing text and background colour, the directory tenant card colour changes automatically based on those changes of the colour.

35. This is a preview of the tenant card in more detail

36. Press 'X' to get out of preview mode

WHEN [QUICK ADD] is clicked on


1. You will get a pop up to choose the number of tenants you wish to create (i.e. 2 tenants)

2. Select a specific category for the tenants by clicking the drop-down (i.e. Entertainment)

3. Click [GO] to confirm changes

4. The number of tenants created was 2 because that is what was entered in Step 1.

You may also notice why it says ‘Entertainment 6 & 7’. The reason being is that there were already 5 tenants in existence, therefore the system assumes these will be the 6th and 7th tenants created. It also named it ‘Entertainment’ because that was the chosen category.

5. Continue to make changes by clicking the edit (pencil icon) button.
This takes you back to when [NEW TENANT] is clicked

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