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In this article, Users will be uploading 3D models and assigning them to dictionary items.How to upload 3D models and assign them to the dictionary itemsyou will learn how to upload a 3D model into PAM and assign a 3D model into a destination dictionary item. By following the steps below, you will have your 3D model added and viewable to the Explorer Map.

The information below has been divided into sections for your convenience if needed.

Table of Contents



Before proceeding, the user needs to ensure they meet please ensure you have met the following file requirements .File requirements:of uploading 3D models into PAM. These file requirements are important and we recommend you to follow them or risk your files not working properly.

  • The final source file we require for the 3D model is a .glb file  - must be under 1mb in size fileOriginal source file eg:  file 

    • We require for all your 3D models to have a combined upload size of no larger than 1mb 

  • You can also have an original source of the file type of the 3D file that’s a .3ds file. This allows us to convert to glb and manipulate if required.

  • Users You can use include colour on the model

  • The file should be built to scale. (e.g. If a building 10meters 10 meters tall in real life should be built 10 meters in 3D software)




SketchUp to create or Download 3D Models

SketchUp is a free 3D modelling software program that comes with a built-in downloadable 3D models library called 3D Warehouse. Users can download SketchUp here

  • If users don’t have a 3D model, they can download 3D models



  • Open SketchUp


  • > Open 3D warehouse


  • > Search and select the 3D


  • model you want


  • to download (remember that if you are uploading multiple models, the combined total should be no bigger than 1mb)

  • Once downloaded, the user can adjust the size in SketchUp and then export 3D


Note: Users can
  • model as a .glb format

  • IF using textures on your model , the texture should be not exceed 800 x 800px in dimensions.

You may also download 3D models from other websites besides the recommended as long as it is exported as abut export the file as .glb format.


How to upload 3D


  • Go to library → 3D assets → click upload

Assigning your 3D models to dictionary items.

Category Dictionary

  • Create a new category dictionary in PAM

  • Name it ‘3D models’ (Assign the 3D models category into all your 3D models)

  • Save

Destination Dictionary

  • Create a new destination dictionary

  • Name your 3D model

  • Deactivate ‘unique destination’, if you will be using this model in more than one location

  • Activate ‘Hide from Search’

  • Assign 3D assets to your destination dictionary

  • Save


models into PAM’s 3D assets library


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to Library > 3D Assets

2. Click on [UPLOAD] on the bottom right


3. Drag or browse for the 3D model file on your computer


File requirements: Maximum combined size of 1.0MB for all 3D models and .glb files only

4. Select the 3D model file

5. Click [Open]


Create Dictionary Category for 3D models


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to Dictionary > Categorie

2. Click on [+ ADD CATEGORY] > Destination


We have already filled the information in. This is how it looks like

3. Fill in ‘3DMODELS’ as the Identifier

4. Fill in ‘3D Models’ as the Category Description

5. Save changes


Creating and assigning a Destination Dictionary item to a 3D model


1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to Dictionary > Destination Dictionary




Since we are linking our 3D model with the dictionary item, we DO NOT need to fill every section out.

3. Fill in Display Copy. This will be the name of the destination dictionary

4. Fill in Map Name. This will be the name that is seen on the Explorer / Kiosk map. Alternatively you can leave this blank and it will assume the name from Display Copy.

5. Make sure the ticks are enabled for both sections in step 3 & 4.

6. Include a short description of the dictionary item

7. Select Dictionary Category. Assign destination to the category. We have selected the same category we referenced earlier in this article

8. Unique Destination. If enabled, it allows you to assign the dictionary item to one location only

9. Fill in Search Tags. This helps to make it easy to find or link to locations

10. Click on the MAP tab


11. Available in Explorer map. If enabled, this allows you to see the 3D model when using the Explorer map

12. Hide from search. If enabled, this will disable the location / 3D model from being searchable in the Interactive Kiosk. We have kept it disabled because we want the 3D model to be found when we search for the name. (i.e. Searching for PAM Head Office 3D model)

13. Select the 3D model dropdown to choose the appropriate 3D model for this dictionary item.Your 3D model must already be uploaded or else it will not appear. Also you can only have one 3D model per dictionary item.

14. Save changes


Video reference

Widget Connector



HINT: Please remember to always save changes no matter how small AND if other pages are opened in different tabs, you must refresh them for the changes to be seen.

For example, in this article, the user may have 3D assets and Destination Dictionary opened in different tabs. When a 3D asset file has been uploaded, the Destination Dictionary tab needs to be refreshed to see the new changes.


Next direct article
The next article will show how to add your 3D models to the Explorer Map.
Adding 3D models to the map


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Uploading icons and logos
Creating dictionary categories
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