In this article, Users will be uploading 3D models and assigning them to dictionary items.
How to upload 3D models and assign them to the dictionary items
Before proceeding, the user needs to ensure they meet the following file requirements.
The final source file we require is a
file - must be under1mb
in size fileOriginal source file eg:
file. This allows us to convert toglb
and manipulate if required.Users can use colour on the model
The file should be built to scale. (e.g. If a building 10meters tall in real life should be built 10 meters in 3D software)
Using Sketchup to Download 3D Models
If users don’t have a 3D model, they can download 3D models from a website called 3D warehouse.
Open SketchUp → open 3D warehouse → search and select the 3D Model you want (1MB max) to download.
Once downloaded, the user can adjust the size in SketchUp and then export 3D Model as a .glb format
Note: Users can download 3D models from other websites besides 3D warehouse as long as it is exported as a .glb format.
Uploading 3D Model into PAM Library
Go to library → 3D assets → click upload
Assigning your 3D models to dictionary items.
Category Dictionary
Create a new category dictionary in PAM
Name it ‘3D models’ (Assign the 3D models category into all your 3D models)
Destination Dictionary
Dictionary > Destination Dictionary > Add Category > Destination
Name your 3D model
Deactivate ‘unique destination’, if you will be using this model in more than one location
Activate ‘Hide from Search’
Assign 3D assets to your destination dictionary
Video Reference ⬇
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