In this article, we will show you how to customise and enhance the search feature while viewing and using the map on Explorer.
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Viewing Search Enhancements on Explorer
1. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs
2. Select DIGITAL SIGN MAP tab
3. Select an Interactive Kiosk Digital Sign (this usually starts with a 4.2)
4. On the right-hand side pop out stay on the GENERAL tab
5. Sroll to the bottom and scan the QR code with your smartphone device
6. Once Explorer has loaded up on your smartphone, click the SEARCH tab
7. You can see which locations have been set to become ‘featured’ locations. These are locations that are the most popular when customers are at your venue. You are able to add and remove ‘featured’ locations according to the changing customer demand.
8. You can see what kind of locations have been searched for which will become part of the search recommendations. This is helpful as customers will see what has been searched previously.
Previous search history automatically appears when search has been used for the first time.
9. This is the Quick Link filters section. If you click on a Quick Link (i.e. Parking icon), you will see all parking spots within the venue appear. You can set up to eight quick links icons to be displayed at the same time.
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