How to unlock a scene to make changes

How to unlock a scene to make changes

Occasionally there may be instances where you need to make changes to content and stumble upon the following notice (photo below) when you open Digital Signs, Map Editor or Parking Manager.

Seeing this results in you unable to make any changes until the listed scene (01-S01-Default Scene) has been unlocked.

This article will help you unlock their scene to successfully make changes to content.

To unlock scenes, only an Admin account will be able to make this change.
Refer to our User Type and Permissions article for more context.

Please remember to check your user type before proceeding with this article.

Why a scene needs to be locked in the first place?

  • A scene is locked in order to be activated when a certain scene with specific content has to be used (i.e. an emergency has occurred so an emergency scene with the relevant content needs to be used)

How to unlock a scene

A scene (i.e. Default Scene) that is locked is seen universally regardless if a user enters into Digital Signs, Map Editor or Parking Manager. This means that unlocking a scene will also be seen universally as unlocked.

Please be aware that there are multiple scenes and this process can be applied to any scene that has been made in your PAM environment. For this article, we will be unlocking the default scene when we are using Digital Signs.


1. On the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

2. Select Digital Sign Map

3. Click on a Digital Sign on the map or search for it.

4. If your scene is locked, the blue information board will pop up and will prompt you to unlock it.
All content and functionality in the Digital Sign remains disabled and unclickable until it gets unlocked.

5. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Manager > Scenes

6. Locate the scene you need to unlock. (From the first photo, we have to unlock SCENE 01 - S01 - DEFAULT SCENE)

7. Click on the shaded lock-pad located on the right-hand side to unlock the scene

If the scene you want to unlock is currently active, you need to make another scene active before the lock-pad for the scene you want becomes available to be clicked on.

To view the unlocked scene, we will go back to our Digital Signs page.

8. In the PAM navigation menu, go to 360 Planner > Digital Signs

9. Select Digital Sign Map

10. Click on the same Digital Sign chosen in step 3 or any other Digital sign available

11. The blue information board has now disappeared meaning that the scene has been unlocked and all functionality has now returned for you to make changes to the Digital Sign

As mentioned in the beginning of the article, unlocking a scene is a one-off click and is universally seen as unlocked regardless if a user enters into Digital Signs, Map Editor or Parking.

HINT: Please remember to always save changes no matter how small AND if other pages are opened in different tabs, you must refresh them for the changes to be seen.

For example, in this article, the user may have Scenes and Digital Signs opened in different tabs. When Scenes have been modified and saved, the Digital Signs tab needs to be refreshed to see the new changes.