Single User Access monitors an active session for all users whenever Parking Manager, Digital Sign Manager and Map Editor functionality is being used. This feature is built to avoid conflicts when more than one user try to use the functionality mentioned above at the same time.
Parking Manager, Digital Sign Manager and Map Editor
Image 1: A second user logs in while another user is currently active
Image 2: All users (except the current Active user) should be unable to edit any data
Digital Sign Manager
Map Editor
Image 3: When an Active user navigates away from the page they were editing
User Toolbar
When there are multiple users logged in at the same time
Users will be ordered and added to a queue based on login time
Status dot shows Active and Non Active users
Active user dot will be green and pulsing (see below)
Non Active user will be red
On hover an Active user (IF NOT YOU) shows info panel
IF you are Active user it would show your name
Hover on Non Active user show their name
Clicking on your profile will give you options to log out or view profile
When Active user logs out the toolbar will update
Please see the video attached to this article.