In this article, users will be introduced to the scenes feature in PAM. This article provides a quick guide to all the functionality involved for the user to make full use of this feature.
Each scene has the following information:
1. Whether it is active or not
2. Scene no.
3. Scene name
4. Scene description
5. When it was last active
6. When it was created
7. The ability to edit a scene
8. The ability to duplicate a scene
9. The ability to lock/unlock a scene
a. An unlocked scene can be edited, has not been approved, not currently active
b. A locked scene can’t be edited, can be active, automatically become locked once approved
10. The ability to delete a scene
11. The ability to view additional scene details which include:
b. Activity log
c. Change log
d. Review log
e. The ability to request approval and/or decline/approve a scene
How to Create a New Scene
1. To get into the scenes page, click on 360 Manager > Scenes
5. Click on the 'Tick' icon to save
How to Activate a Scene
To get into the scenes page, click on 360 Manager > Scenes
4. The user should now see a green status box with ACTIVE on it. The scene is now active
How to Request Approval for Changes
1. To request approval from managers, you must unlock the scene
3. Review your changes by clicking on each blue link
4. Once you are sure of your changes, click on the [REQUEST APPROVAL] button
6. Once you have selected a Manager, click [SUBMIT]
How to Approve Changes on a Scene
1. Open the scene and review the changes by clicking on the blue link/s
2. Once you have reviewed the changes, you may [APPROVE SCENE] or [DECLINE APPROVAL]